четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.

The best of Профессиональные for Thursday, December 30

The most popular entries from Профессиональные today are below. You are receiving this FriendFeed digest daily. You can receive it less frequently or unsubscribe in your email preferences.
Пассажиры «Аэрофлота» вынуждены платить за информацию о вылетах
Пассажиры говорят, что по бесплатному номеру информационного центра дозвониться невозможно - mediamage
ESPN Visits Bhopal, Releases Strong Expose (Video)
protestors calling for the prosecution of former Union Carbide head Warren Anderson, via flickr I don't usually visit ESPN to get my environmental news, much less to find engaging programming like the show they recently broadcast that that tells the story of the survivors of the Bhopal disaster. But ESPN's E:60 has delivered a powerful piece that deals with a cricket field in India where youngsters, 26 years after the chemical spill, play today and continue to suffer from the remnants of the Union Carbide-caused disaster, considered to be the world's worst industrial spill ever. ... Read the full story on TreeHugger - mediamage
Мосводоканал опровергает данные о прорыве трубы в столице
Лужи в Ростокинском проезде, образовались после того, как коммунальные службы разбросали реагенты на снег - mediamage
Лондон боялся, что Израиль пустит в ход немирный атом
Британские власти были обеспокоены тем, что Израиль использует ядерное оружие в возможной войне против своих арабских противников. - mediamage
Oscar Rankings: Let's Get Technical
Filed under: Awards, Cinematical As 2010 comes to a close, we are also past the first phase of awards season. The critics' groups have (mostly) finalized their choices and we are now heading into "guild territory." Victors from the Golden Globes and Broadcast Film Critics Association are not going to tell us anything we don't already know about who might earn an Oscar nomination -- unless, of course, they award one of the underdogs like Michael Douglas or the couple from 'Blue Valentine.' Nope, it's the guilds that will begin thinning the herd next week, producers first. 8 of their 10 nominees last year were up for Oscar, minus 'Invictus' and 'Star Trek' (replaced by 'A Serious Man' and 'The Blind Side'). The consensus on the eight this year appear to be 'Black Swan,' 'The Fighter,' 'Inception,' 'The King's Speech,' 'The Social Network,' 'Toy Story 3,' 'True Grit,' and 'Winter's Bone.' The following five will likely battle it out for the final two slots: '127 Hours,' 'Blue Valentine,'... - mediamage
Cinematical Presents: The Lamest of 2010
Filed under: Features, Cinematical, Best and Worst We've arrived at the very end of 2010, which means it's finally time to unveil our hotly-anticipated Hottest and Lamest lists, both of which tunnel through the year that was in search of the hottest and lamest as it pertains to the films, actors, actresses and trends that populated our world over the past twelve months. This year we've changed things up by reducing our lists of 25 to two lists of 10, highlighting only the very best (and worst) as voted on by the movie/pop-culture freaks here at Cinematical and Moviefone. We kicked things off yesterday with out 10 Hottest of 2010, and now we conclude our journey through the year with our Lamest of 2010, which you'll find after the jump. Continue Reading - mediamage
Is Marvel Planning a SECRET WARS Video Game?
Marvel recently filed a trademark for Secret Wars which covers -- among other things -- "interactive video game programs," "computer game software," "sunglasses," and "bicycle helmets." There's also a mention of "... live action programs or motion pictures" that is plenty exciting. But the image we have cuts off the beginning of that part, so I don't want to jump to conclusions. Secret Wars is a superhero crossover story from 1984 which features the Avengers (Captain America, Captain Marvel II, Hawkeye, Iron Man, She-Hulk, Thor, the Wasp), three of the Fantastic Four (Human Torch, Mister Fantastic and Thing), the X-Men (Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine, Lockheed the Dragon), Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and the Hulk. It is noted for the first appearance of the black Spider-Man co stume/alien symbiote that emo-ed Peter Parker in Spider-Man 3. Hit the jump for a full synopsis, plus an image of the trademark registration. A synopsis for Secret Wars: A... - mediamage
Корейских детей учит английскому робот. Видео
Устройство под названием EngKey способно разговаривать, читать книги, петь английские песенки и неуклюже танцевать под музыку - mediamage
На северо-востоке Москвы прорвало трубу с холодной водой
ЧП произошло на Ростокинской улице напротив завода "Красный богатырь" - mediamage
Оклахома - Нью-Джерси
Баскетбол. НБА - mediamage
Перес помог свергнуть Самосу
Бывший вице-президент правительства сандинистов в Никарагуа заявил, что движение получило финансовую помощь, которая помогла им вытеснить диктатора - mediamage
Финикс - Лос-Анджелес
Хоккей. НХЛ - mediamage
Зачем Ирану законсервированные центрифуги?
В ближайшие месяцы Иран может использовать новую технологию, позволяющую сократить время, необходимое для получения ядерного оружия. - mediamage
Семи экс-кандидатам в президенты Белоруссии предъявлено обвинение
Им инкриминируют организацию массовых беспорядков в Минске - mediamage
Эмираты обиделись на Канаду и ввели визовый режим
Граждане Канады, отправляющиеся в Объединенные Арабские Эмираты), должны будут приобрести дорогостоящую визу для посещения этой страны. - mediamage
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